Today a friend of mine said someone at work brought in some Kohlrabi (Kohl Rabi - I'm still not sure if it's one word or two). He told me that if I can grow some, I should because it's delicious. Okay, I thought, I'm bored with the normal types of seeds so what the heck. What's the worst thing that can happen?
I'd been waiting for a good excuse to justify using some more gasoline. So I drove around to a few local shops and finally found some seeds. Kohlrabi Early White Vienna. They're from the American Seed company - Finest Quality Since 1897 it says on the package. The seed packet cost 20cents (so I bought a lot of packets). It also says Net Wt. 200MG. I just opened a packet to see how many seeds were inside, and to my surprise the seeds look like cabbage seeds. Round and small and hard to count in my cupped hand, but it looks like about 30 Kohlrabi seeds.
After looking on Wikipedia at I'm thinking this Kohlrabi veggie is probably pretty healthy. It says it's from the same family as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard greens, and Brussels sprouts. I'm also hoping it's as good as my friend says it is - after all, I'm not really into the taste of kale or Brussels sprouts.
I'm going to spend some time watching YouTube videos to see if I think I can grow this indoors or not. So far, it's looking pretty good because I'm reading it can be grown just about anywhere. Only time will tell. Unfortunately most videos are just showing transplanting of the Kohlrabi and not giving a lot of details about how to get it started from seed, so I'll probably just end up learning by trial and error again! That's another reason I bought lots of seed packets, just in case they're needed.
Here's a good picture of what full grown Kohlrabi looks like: I'm trying to remember it's supposedly tastes great!