The very first ripe strawberry. It's very small and you can see an unhappy leaf in the background. I bought this as a baby plant because I could not find strawberry seeds in any of the local stores. (Did you know you can buy strawberry plants at the grocery store using food stamps? You can!) I got lucky and successfully transplanted it into a plain old black plastic pot. There is a local nursery that gives away free 1-gallon plain black plastic pots sometimes, and when they do, they advertise the free pots on I've loaded up my car with dirty spider infested pots and driven straight home to vacuum out the car as fast as possible.
For the first few weeks of this strawberry plants life it was kept indoors under a super cheap grow light (this one: Mr. Light 88761 14W Linkable T5 Grow Light Fixture). I had a shelf set up indoors just for starting plants, and all was going great until one day I got bugs in air and in the dirt (more on that frustrating event later). It was then that I took all the surviving shelf plants outside. I was hoping that nature would provide some sort of hungry insect that would eat the bugs that were invading my plants. Apparently it did, and this one made it!
Much later and after much hard work I managed to transplant this strawberry plant along with other happy strawberry plants into an actual raised garden bed. I still need to take pictures of that though it did work out nicely and I got many more strawberries from this same plant over the summer.
I found out how to transplant a strawberry plant by watching videos (and getting a bit lost) on YouTube. Search "how to transplant strawberries".