Squirrel's Cucumber

This is what I found in the garden this afternoon.

The cucumbers had only recently started forming. As you can see in the picture (hopefully) it's pretty small ~ about 5" long, and not very big around. Just use the squirrel's teeth prints as a size comparison.

There are 2 more cucumbers growing, both a little bigger than the one above. I found the squirrel's cucumber about 5 feet away from the cucumber plants. I'm mad.

After I finished the strawberry's anti-squirrel protection and found that it's working nicely, I had actually relaxed a bit. Shame really. Now I'll have to do something similar to protect the cucumbers.

I'm half-tempted to just build a giant cage around all my garden spots - something big and sturdy with chicken wire and 2x4's. On the bright side, at least it's just a 1st year garden, a test of sorts, to see what I could get to grow in the backyard. I'd have been even more upset if I planted tons and had it all ravished. Now I know to make a plan to protect basically all things from squirrels before I go to crazy planting next spring.