Mystery Plant: Mustard

One of my most common mistakes is forgetting to label seedlings - or labeling them and then losing the label between watering days & re-arranging. Thankfully one of the mystery batches of seedlings finally grew big enough to show it's true leaves so I could try to figure out what it was. Mustard greens, like these: (about half-way down the page) though mine have no flowers yet. They used a recycle bin to plant in, and actually it doesn't look half bad :)

Fall weather has me rushing to finish up all the lose ends outside, so apologies for not posting pictures along the way. I put off everything but the garden, so the rest of the yard suffered. It's high time to re-seal the windows, power wash the driveway, clean gutters, pound in any lose nails, fix the fence, etc.The last couple of weeks of work have been exhausting with little progress in sight - but shortly there will be rainy days so now is the time to finish.

After next week starts the indoor planting in full swing, so that should be fun and a lot less tiring, too! I can hardly wait to start having fun with plants again.