Daily progress planning

Today I planted some oregano seeds and some garlic cloves. That's 2 more pots used and 5 total so far. I thought it would be a good idea to start pots full of things that I will use together at the same time. Sort of like a meal plan done way in advance. We'll see how that works out in a couple months.

The oregano seedlings aren't doing so well, but they did sprout! I'm a bit disappointed but at least they did make a showing. On the other hand, a couple of the garlic cloves did sprout. I can't recall if I planted 5 or 6 cloves, but so far 2 did come up, 1 much faster than the other. Here's the update link 11 days after planting along with pictures of the progress.

Have you planted garlic before? It's pretty easy: