The end of the winter season is near torture for me waiting for the timing to be right for planting seeds indoors - for later transplanting to the garden after the average frost date for my area, which happens to be in April! Frankly I'm going going nuts but have traded nearly all temptations from planting to more elaborate garden planning. I'm surely biting off more than I can chew but that's nothing new. This Grow Seeds Faster – Imbibition by "In the garden with judy" however is something new to me!
I got so excited I dug right into my seed packets and picked out 5 plant types for which I had extra seeds. (read: ripe for experimenting) I carefully selected 5 random baby food jars I had lazily tucked onto a shelf last year "just in case", and filled them about a quarter full with water. I boiled and cooled the tap water first in hopes of eliminating any probable chlorine the day before. After I soaked the seeds overnight, I carefully used a spoon to, well, spoon them out, and place them ever so carefully onto pre-moistened seed starting mix.
With a big grin on my face I got to label the very first containers of the season. Now it's time to wait and see if any of them sprout - and how FAST they sprout. Most have 7-10 days listed on the seed packets, but hopefully soaking them beforehand will indeed make the seeds grow faster! Oh it's so nice to find potential short-cuts when impatience is nearly overwhelming.