Today I found this in one of the smallest raised garden bed containers I made at the end of summer last year. The seeds for these radishes were planted mid-to-late fall. We've had freezing temps, snow, and ice, but these made it all winter - though they're awfully small they don't take much room to grow and I did nothing but water them for the 1st few weeks they were planted. After that the fall rains came and nature took care of the rest. I didn't even do anything to protect them from the cold. Maybe the radishes would be bigger if I did, I'm just not sure. At this point I'm happy I got to them before the squirrels got hungry enough to eat them.
I had lost a lot to slugs I didn't get off as quickly as I could have, darn things do eat leaves so quickly! Next time I'm going to sprinkle crushed up egg shells along the perimeter of the planter boxes. Rumor has it slugs don't like the sharp egg shell edges, so it's worth a shot. I'd rather torture them with shells than tempt them with beer. Why should I open a bar for them, nasty things they are! Squirrels are bold little creatures, too! Just look at those darn teeth marks!