Spring Seeds

Last year was my first try ever at growing veggies outside. While I had a few big wins, there were some harsh losses, too. Like the broccoli that was eaten to disfigurement by bugs, the cucumbers that grew to be edible yet refused to flourish, the corn that grew about 8" high and stopped dead in its tracks. I went in head first knowing that I didn't know what I was doing! I figured if 50% of the plants lived that'd be great. And I was about right with that 50% guess.

I think the ants ate many corn seeds, I'm sure the cucumbers were ransacked by squirrels, oh and the poor broccoli - the countless bugs of some type I still don't know - it was hardly even recognizable by the time the cauliflower planted right next to it was beautifully ready to pick. The squirrels got the strawberries, though the bugs didn't, and the beans, well, the pole beans made it, the bush beans didn't. The carrots did beautifully but I planted them too late (and still the slugs really tried to eat the tops off). The lettuce suffered from slugs, too. It was a really big fat learning experience it was.

This year, is going to be different, very different. Because this year, I know about companion planting- which simply means planting things together that help each other in some way. Mints discourage ants, tarragon helps just about everything it's planted by flourish, borage repels many pests that attack veggies, nasturtiums repel aphids, cabbage looper, squash bug, white fly, and cucumber beetles! So I did some seed shopping on Amazon for flowers that will protect my precious veggies later in the summer.

Sharing the latest seed purchases for this Spring:

Yes, some are "weeds" but they're supposed to be "good" weeds!  They don't discourage squirrels, unfortunately, but I do have chicken wire for that.